
A good psychotherapist is a lifelong learner! Therapy is a process of growth and evolution for both clients and therapists. Working with clients and learning new tools every day makes a therapist more efficient and effective. Therefore, our training and mentorship Supervision programs are designed to hone your skills and turn you into a seasoned therapist!

The Super Therapist Program

This is a special training, coaching and mentorship program for budding psychologists and therapists where they train one-on-one with senior Psychotherapist and our founder Ms Prachi S Vaish, for 30 days. This is a fully customized and personalized program where she will teach you exactly what you want to learn! 
No group classes, no batches, full flexibility, and in-depth mentorship. The syllabus for each trainee is curated according to their needs and only one trainee is accepted at a time so that they can receive undivided attention.
Get the handbook to read more about the program and experiences of past trainees.

Therapist Supervision Program

Exclusively for Therapists

Every therapist true to their profession knows how important it is to have supervision. No matter how senior you may be in the field, supervision is always the best way to prevent burnout. For new therapists it also helps to keep the imposter syndrome in check! Here are the reasons why supervision is absolutely essential for therapists

  • Group 958
    It relieves the feeling of working in isolation
  • Group 958
    It prevents countertransference
  • Group 958
    It provides a safe professional environment to process the emotions of the therapist
  • Group 958
    Helps to gather alternative perspectives
  • Group 958
    Prevents burnout and compassion fatigue
  • Group 958
    Helps to ensure that the therapist’s own unprocessed material does not interfere with their work